Feast of Annunciation

Are you familiar with the Feast of Annunciation? It is a special day for all Christians across the globe and one of the most significant feasts in our religion and culture. Just think of all the artists who depicted the moment when archangel Gabriel talked to Virgin Mary, and you will see it is one of the most beautiful, hopeful moments in the Bible.
But what does this moment represent? Why is it so important for Christians? And how do we celebrate it? Let’s go through everything you need to know about the Feast of Annunciation and its importance for all people across the globe.
What Is the Feast of Annunciation?
The Feast of Annunciation is known by many names: Solemnity of the Annunciation, Conception Christi, or Lady Day. The idea behind it is to celebrate the visit of the archangel Gabriel when he told Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of Jesus. This is one of the most important moments in the Bible, and we celebrate it on March 25.
There are notes of this event being celebrated in the fourth century, and it is universally commemorated in all forms of Christianity. In some denominations, if the 25th is on Easter Triduum, Lady Day is moved to the first available day during Eastertide. However, in Eastern Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the celebration is fixed.
Annunciation celebrates two different things. The first is God coming to our world as Jesus Christ to save humanity. And the second one is our willingness to accept His actions, Mary becoming the Mother of God, and our celebration of the event.
Archangel Gabriel and Virgin Mary

As everyone knows, Mary is one of the key figures in the Bible. She was a virgin, and she conceived Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. After that, she and her husband Joseph went to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. When she conceived, it was Gabriel that was the bearer of good news.
When Gabriel spoke to Mary, he said:
“And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.” — Luke 1:28
This greeting is also the beginning of the Hail Mary, one of the most important prayers in Christianity. It only shows the importance of this event and how Mary is considered to be among the holiest saints based on her extraordinary virtues.
Gabriel also mentioned Elizabeth and how she was barren. But a miracle happened, and she was pregnant. Elizabeth was to become a mother of John the Baptist. Virgin Mary continued to be an important part of the Bible and the events that followed.
When Virgin Mary and Joseph arrived at Bethlehem, the inn was full. They had nowhere to go, so they stayed in the stables where Jesus was born. After that, a couple of shepherds learned from the angels that the Messiah was born, and they paid him a visit, spreading the word that the Son of a God was born.
And of course, everyone knows the story of three wise men that visited Bethlehem and brought gifts for their new king. Throughout his life among humans, Mary was present and became an inspiration to many.
Celebrating the Feast of Annunciation
One of the first things we should mention is that the Feast of Annunciation falls during Lent. But Lent obligations are lifted for this day, and everyone makes a beautiful feast to celebrate this important day.
There are many different ways to celebrate the Annunciation, and everyone might go for a different approach based on their culture. However, there are a couple of pointers you might want to follow.

The first one on the list is clothing. People usually wear white during the Annunciation, and this color is significant for many reasons. Most notably, it represents purity, holiness, and virtue. These are the traits that Virgin Mary had, and it is a nice way to celebrate one of the most important women in history.
As we mentioned earlier, Hail Mary starts with the passage from the Annunciation, and you should say a Hail Mary as a way of celebrating this crucial event. Finally, to show your appreciation, you can always help a pregnant woman in any way you can.
All in all, the feast is a perfect opportunity to celebrate Virgin Mary and her accomplishments by helping someone in need.
The Importance of the Celebration

For many Christians, the Annunciation represents hope. People started drifting away from the Lord’s path, and he sent his son to us. He showed that he still cares and loves each and every person on the planet. And now, it is more important than ever. Many people forget the importance of this holy day and what it represents.
When Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ, it was one of the biggest miracles that ever happened. And there aren’t many events that can compare to it. The Feast of Annunciation is one way to celebrate divinity and praise the Lord.
Christians from all over the world will set aside their differences and be closer together. We all need to be together, recite Hail Marys, and celebrate the arrival of our Lord and Savior on this holy day.